A Case of Poor Judgement It seems like not a day passes lately that we don’t hear a new example of how cancel culture is inhibiting the free exchange of ideas. Most recently, I learned of how Whoopi Goldberg had been censured by The View due to some misinformed statements she made regarding the Nazis’ view of race….

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Happy New Year?

  Overwhelmed by Bad News I am generally a positive person; that is, I choose to be positive because it seems much healthier than the alternative of negativism. Nevertheless, I am not a Pollyanna and my positive outlook is tempered by a great respect for science and realism. So at the beginning of 2022, after enduring the past…

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BEING THANKFUL I am a big believer in expressing gratitude and appreciation for the blessings in my life and feel this sentiment should also include being thankful for mundane things. I don’t have a lot of them but I appreciate everything I have. I am thankful for my bed, pillows, and blankets, for instance, as well as the…

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LIFE IS ELSEWHERE One definition of existentialism is that it’s a loathing of repetition. This has stuck with me over the years, as I’ve tried over and over again to prove that the grass IS actually greener on the other side of the fence. Thus, I started out on one path in university before taking a four-year break…

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Letter To My Son

Love Child I read once that a child born of lust has an undeveloped soul. So at the moment of your conception, I focused the full intention of my love into the act that brought you into being. It’s interesting because your mom and I had been trying to conceive for many months before that one, fateful, late…

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Wrong Voltage

These American plugs don’t fit European sockets – you need an adaptor to charge your phone or your electric razor. And even then, the current runs a bit hot on the other side of the pond. Well, people are just like those razors and phones: they try to adapt but it’s rarely a perfect fit. The current runs…

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It’s an Outlook Ever since I embraced positivism, the practice which has had one of the biggest effects on my outlook is expressing gratitude. I remember an episode of Battlestar Galactica where the Cylons showed how they could project any reality they wished upon their ship so that instead of drab metal corridors, they walked through lush forests…

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Eastern Turkey Part 2, The People

  Previously In a previous blog, Journey to the Center of the Onion, I wrote about the trip my son and I had taken to Eastern Turkey last August. I described the places we had visited and the incredible historical and archaeological sites we had seen. In my next blog, Eastern Turkey Part 1, I went on at…

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Podcast Interview

Check out my interview with Lisa Tucker on The Borderline. Just click the link.

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Journey to the Centre of the Onion

A Vırtue of Necessity We were half way across Lake Van when we saw Mount Ararat looming out of the mist… but wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. For two summers my son and I had wanted to go home to Canada to see our friends and family and particularly my ailing mother. Unfortunately, due to the strict…

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